Selasa, 22 Januari 2008

How to Know it’s Love or Not?

Someone said that he/she ever fall in love for more than 2 times in the last of their life, but someone else declare that he/she can’t fell about love. Most of us can not devine that’s a fall in love or it just a sweet desire.

Well, this article would like to help you to detect your feeling? There are 50 indication items about fall in love. If you feel more than 25 indication items which happen on your life, it’s mean you are already falling in love (that’s only a personal question and you have to check it out trully)
  1. You feel something different about him/her that attrack your attention
  2. You feel something frilly on your heart
  3. You are always happy
  4. You always look at him/her
  5. When she/he look at you, sudenly your heart get trembling
  6. You can not stand alone with him/her
  7. You feel ambarazing near him/her
  8. Always walk and stay near him/her
  9. Everyday you are dreaming about him/her
  10. You are always dream about her/him stay close with you
  11. You are loosing your taste
  12. You can not sleep well and always think about him/her
  13. You always write down about her/him in your diary book
  14. You like to listen about love song
  15. Sudenlly, you are getting fashionable
  16. You love to read about horoscope forecast spesially his/her horoscope forecast
  17. You pay attention on your daily costume
  18. You try to get as much as information about him/her
  19. You are being enclose with her/his best friends
  20. You are going to be his/her paparazi, you always try to take his/her picture
  21. You are always write her/his name on your book
  22. Keep watch his/her photo
  23. You are getting nervous when she/he take place near on you
  24. You are always using a parfume
  25. You feel stuck when he/she calls you
  26. You are ready to support him/her activity
  27. Keep his/her Short Message Service (SMS) on your Handphone
  28. You are still waiting about her/his call
  29. Sudenlly you miss him/her when he/she does not come in the class/school/office.
  30. You will support her/his idea, eventhough on the deep of your heart you are not aggre
  31. You always lie that you are loving him/her but the fact is you really love him/her
  32. You try to find some reason for invite him/her on your dinner party or just watch on movie
  33. You give him/her prize on his/her birthday
  34. You always send him/her special valentine card
  35. You always proud about her/him
  36. You buy a romantic book and try it step by step to him/her
  37. You does know the meaning of her/his smile
  38. You always send Short Message Service (SMS) to him/her
  39. You borrow her/his collection, eventhough you don’t need it
  40. Lend her/him your new CD, that would be your reason visit to her/his apartment
  41. You are nervous when she/he look into your eyes
  42. You always prepare a lot of new topic for your conversation with him/her.
  43. You are recording all about you and him/her, resume on your diary book
  44. You love what she/he need
  45. You are being her/his close friend, you are always being her/his best adviser.
  46. You are not worry about her/his negative character
  47. You can not forget him/her eventhough he/she make a mistake to you
  48. You are going sad when he/she doesn’t come on your invitation.
  49. You act as a diligent boy/girl in front of him/her
  50. When you read this article, you are sudenly remember him/her.

Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

How To Survive

We believe most of you ever feel heart break in one episode of your love story. Sometimes we feel sad badly when our girl/boy friend decide to break out the relationship. It's hard to believe after we are going together to build a good relationship.

Heart break could be dangerous for our live. If we can survive from suffer of heart break, we will be able to destroy ourselves. Some people try to do something negatif to cover sadly in your live after heart break like smooking, get drunk or maybe decide to suicide.

We consider about that and that's why we have to force ourselves to survive. the day after break out, you allow to cry about your disaster, do it for satisfied your emotion, your sadness and your anger but after that you have to face the reality with smile and calm emotion. You have to believe that that's not your end day but it become to strengthen your heart.

On the sadness day, you are not allowed to touch cigaretes, beer, pots, knive, gun or everything illegal stuff that would be dangerous for your live, you are allow to take handkerchief, towel, holly books.

Well, become sad is normal, but being sad for entire of live is stupid, think about it

Senin, 07 Januari 2008

Endless Love

Story of Love of human being is being a never endless story and being the greatest story ever. We will doze for a few times with story of reciprocated love or we will feel happy when we start listen about the happy ending love story. Love are being a part of human nature. People consciously try to loving and being loved. If there are any human being who feel the no have to love and loved by others, it can be classify as a human being whose have losing of one part of human being base nature.

Many folk story which told about love publish surrounds us. We consider that love is going to be an important part of human live. Perhaps an ancient tried to tell us about power of love will save the world in happiness. We don’t have to reject the spirit of love which grown up in every soul. Meanwhile, love always appears to strengthen human live in unity.

Today, spirit of love tested by a horrible condition which try to tearing love from human being. A giant evil called war which drive by an ambitious man destroy stable condition and create dislike from one to each other. Many people died in suffer, a great deal of human being civilization fall to pieces and sadness appear in everywhere. Fortunely, in harsh condition, seed of love thrive in many part of world. Many people in every country voicing of stop war. Some of them try to help each other specially everybody who suffer couse of war. People help constituted by spirit of love, and this fact designating that love can’t hindered by anything.